PEAK is an evidence-based assessment and corresponding curriculum that combines the traditional ABA / verbal behavior approach with the science of Derived Relational Responding, which teaches the ability to make relations between concepts.
PEAK has four modules (triangles) that have specific skills that they target, but all come together to develop a comprehensive assessment tool.
- Direct Training: This module has a lot of pre-requisite skills that a child may be lacking. These are going to be foundational skills to help build more complex skills. Skills in this module include eye contact, basic requesting, labels items in the environment, etc.
- Generalization: This module is all about teaching the child to extend skills they have learned to new settings, people, and materials. Generalization is so important for children with autism so they are able to use skills they have learned in different kinds of ways.
- Equivalence: This module is all about teaching symbolic language and learning new concepts without it being taught directly. This module uses all of the senses and teaching the child to use all senses to interact with their environment. Having the child use their sense of smell, touch, and taste can be a fun learning experience!.
- Transformation: This module is all about problem solving and reasoning. This module focuses on teaching same and different, opposites, and thinking with perspectives other than their own. Typically, individuals with Autism are only able to think through their own perspective, so creating learning opportunities to show them that others have different perspectives is very important!.