7 Tips For Getting Surfing Sponsorships

By participating in surf training and improving your surf fitness before you enter the ocean you enhance your own safety and will improve faster as a surfer. Surfing is a demanding sport that will challenge your fitness levels, strength and endurance. The best surf training is spent on improving surfing fitness combined with specific strength training simply click for source surfing and time in the water. Surf Training involves a lot of diverse movements that will help with your movements in the water.

learn to surf How deep will you be going? – Remember, the further you dive down, typically the colder water gets. If you plan on doing only reef dives, a 1-3mil suit should be just fine. If you plan on doing anything below say 50 feet, you might want to consider a 3-5mil suit. This will do a much better job of keeping you warm at deeper depths.

With childrens wetsuits in the picture, you can also lessen your childrens possibility of being stung by jellyfishes. This is because apparently, their tentacles are not powerful enough to penetrate the material of the suit.

There are three types of neoprene used for wetsuits that are worth mentioning here. They are Gas (chemical) blown, skin and titanium. The purchase of a gas blown suit will result in a more expensive, stronger wetsuit. A chemical blown suit will have a softer feel but will tend to wear quicker as a result, this is less expensive.

If you’re a good enough surfer to get sponsored then you check check with your local surf shop and see if they would be interested in sponsoring you. This is a great place to start on the road to surfing sponsorships.

This is not just about you; it’s also about consideration for others. You really do need to ask yourself, how important is it for me to surf here? In most cases you’ll realise that what’s more important is that you get wet, not where you get wet.

If you are coming to learn how to surf, the beach at Playa Carmen provides good year round surf. The best wave conditions for a beginning surfer will be found between the months of December and April. This works well with the winter months in North America and Europe. There are plenty of places to find surfboards for rent and a good selection of surf instructors.

This article was published on: 4/07/24